The Board of Directors for the Washington County Industrial Development Authority is pleased to announce the release of a 2024 – 2027 STRATEGIC PLAN. 

The board worked in collaboration with Consulting Director, Jaclyn Rowe, to update the IDA’s strategic plan and cast a focused vision for the future.

Serving as a baseline for activities over the next three-to-five years, the Strategic Plan aligns the organization with community initiatives relating to economic development and seeks to advance the future of the IDA according to its mission. Planning work began in June of 2023 and continued through the end of September 2023. 

The following activities and working meetings were held by the Board of Directors to capture ideas and input on the pertinent planning topics:

  • June 5, 2023 – Overview of Organization/Review of Incentives for business attraction
  • July 2023 – Research and review of Potosi Strategic Plan (2023), Meramec Regional Planning Commission Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2023), Potosi R-3 Community Engagement and Communications Plan (2023/2024), Potosi R-3 Comprehensive School Plan Snapshot (CSIP) and 2020/2023 IDA Strategic Plan and SWOT analysis. Key points were taken from stakeholder plans for the purpose of integration where appropriate and were reflected in the outlined objectives.
  • August 8,2023 – SWOT analysis update; Presentation of Draft Strategic Plan
  • Sep 5, 2023Review of revised Draft Strategic Plan and discussion of edits for final draft
  • Oct 3, 2023 – Final review and approval of 2024-2027 IDA Strategic Plan
  • December 1, 2023 – Target date for distribution and publication of 2024-2026 IDA Strategic Plan 

Business leaders, elected officials, and community members are invited to view the full version of the plan here:

WCIDA Strategic Plan

Questions, comments and feedback are welcome by emailing

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